Practice Area
The practice is happy to accept patients from the parts of Glasgow that are covered by the G46 postal code.
If you change your address or telephone number please inform the practice, please see how to tell us about a change of contact details.
If you move out with the area covered by the practice you will have to register with a doctor in the area in which you are living.
For further information please contact reception.
How to Register as a Patient
To register with the practice you should request new patient forms at the reception desk.
In accordance with Greater Glasgow and Clyde recommendations, all new patients should present two forms of identification which proves residency and authenticates their identity. This is required to reduce and prevent fraudulent attempts to obtain or misuse NHS care. Overseas visitors may be asked for additional information to prove NHS entitlement.
One form of identity must ideally be photographic such as:
- Passport
- Drivers License
- Official identity card from Public Services body
- Student matriculation card (current year)
Other documents for proof of residency that are acceptable are:
- Recent utility bill (within last 3 months)
- Council Tax document
- Television License
- Payslips (last two months)
- Rent book or agreement (Public Body or Private Landlord)
- Bank Statement (Name and address section only required)
- Solicitors Letter (Clearly showing name and address)
If unable to provide photographic evidence then you must present one of the above and one of the following:
- Birth Certificate
- Marriage Certificate
- Divorce or Annulment Papers.
The above list is not exhaustive and staff are entitled to ask for further proof if required. Please note you will not be registered with the practice if you cannot provide the documents required to prove NHS eligibility.
New Patient Health Check
You will be offered the opportunity to have a new patient health check. This allows us to gather any relevant information we may require before your medical record is received from your former GP.
Change of Address or Moving Out of Our Catchment Area
If you change your address or telephone number please inform the practice, please see how to tell us about a change of contact details. If you move out with the area covered by the practice you will have to register with a doctor in the area in which you are living.
Patients from Overseas
There are laid down guidelines for patients from overseas which vary depending on the country of origin. Additional documentation may be required in these circumstances. The Practice Manager or Reception Staff can advise.
Entitlement to NHS Treatment
The NHS is the United Kingdom’s (UK) state health service, which provides treatment for UK residents. Some services are free, other have to be paid for. The regulations that govern who can and can’t receive treatment are complex and may change. A person who is regarded as ordinarily resident in the UK is eligible for free treatment by a GP.
A person is ‘ordinarily resident’ for this purpose if lawfully living in the UK for a settled purpose as part of the regular order of his or her life for the time being. Anyone coming to live in this country would qualify as ordinarily resident.
Overseas visitors to the UK are not regarded as ordinarily resident if they do not meet this description.
The following NHS treatment is available to anyone:
- Treatment in an emergency (but not follow up treatment)
- Treatment of certain communicable diseases
- Compulsory psychiatric treatment
To qualify for other NHS treatments you must meet certain conditions.
European Union Nationals and NON European Union Nationals
The regulations covering the above are complex. The Practice Manager and the Reception Team can advise on each individual situation for eligibility.