Our Doctors
Dr Raheela Bhatti
Our Nursing Team
Tracey Coyle
Practice Nurse
Kirsteen McDonald
Healthcare Assistant
Our Attached Team
Angela Shields
Practice Manager
Our Practice Manager is responsible for the management and administration of the practice and is happy to give advice on non-medical matters. She will deal with any complaints and will be pleased to hear suggestions on how to improve the service provided.
Kirsteen McDonald
Kimberley Scally
Medical Receptionists
All medical receptionists are here to ensure that patients are dealt with courteously and efficiently. Our receptionists deal with telephone calls, prescription requests, appointments and all general inquiries. The staff are bound by the same rules of confidentiality as our clinical staff.
Our Attached Team
District Nursing
District Nursing is provide by Thornliebank Health Centre who will attend to acutely and the chronically sick, usually in their own homes.
District Nurses can be contacted on 0141 355 2180.
Health Visitor
Our Health Visitor provides an immunisation clinic, health advice and help to families with children under the age of five and to elderly patients.
The Health Visitor may be contacted at Thornliebank Health Centre, telephone 0141 531 6994.
The above staff can also be contacted through our receptionists.